Were you aware that strokes are a type of disease?
Strokes influence arteries that lead to the brain, as well as those within it.
Another horrifying fact: A stroke can occur in anybody.
Enough with the bad news, here’s some good news: You can learn just how to detect a stroke with the signs below. Knowing these signs can help you save a life—whether it be your own, or that of a loved one.
Defining a Stroke
Strokes occur when blood vessels that transport nutrients and oxygen to the brain either rupture (a hemorrhagic stroke) or its flow is blocked by a clot (an ischemic stroke). Blood and oxygen deprivation can kill off brain cells, and if blood flow is stopped up for long enough, the bodily functions that are associated with the areas that’re obstructed can stop functioning correctly.
Stroke Signs
Understanding what a stroke looks like can really help you save someone’s life. The quicker your reaction time, the more likely the chance of survival for the victim. Gladly, there is a basic acronym to recall that will aid in your memory of the symptoms of stroke: F.A.S.T.
- Facial droop- Is there numbness in one side of their face? Does it appear uneven? If it is difficult to tell, check by asking the person to smile.
- Arm weakness- See if the victim can lift up both of their arms. If one falls back down, is too weak, or numb, this is another stroke symptom.
- Speech trouble- Slurred speech is a major determination of stroke. See if the victim is able to repeat an easy sentence, such as, “The apple is red.” If the victim can’t speak, comprehend what you’re saying, or is slurring, this is another sign.
- Time to call for help- If someone is presenting with any of these symptoms, call 911, even if the symptoms disappear. Be proactive and do not wait. Jot down the time that you noticed these symptoms, and be sure to tell this to the staff at the hospital.
Although these are not the only symptoms of a stroke, they are the most frequent. Other not commonly known symptoms are difficulty seeing or walking, as well as sudden confusion. The victim may also have a massive headache, experience dizziness, or lose their sense of balance.
The Next Step
If you see anyone exhibiting any of these other symptoms, like the others above, you should not hesitate to dial 911 and bring them to the hospital immediately.
Always keep in mind that the largest problem with treating stroke is your response time. Take note of these signs, and respond swiftly. Report to Slidell Memorial Hospital or the nearest emergency department in your neighborhood to get evaluated.