The Delicate Balance: Appreciating Each Moment
Inspired by the ancient book of wisdom; The Tao Te Ching: Verse Nine Holding a cup and overfilling it Cannot be as good as stopping short Pounding a blade and sharpening it cannot be kept for long...
View Article9 Authentic Leadership Lessons Guest Post by Bill George
Bill George is worth listening to if you have an interest in building a trust culture, and growing your market cap. He should know. During his tenure as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of medical...
View ArticleNurses Are the Superheroes of Health Care Guest Post by Suneel Dhand, MD
Being a nurse is one of the most important jobs in any society. It is also one of the most respected. Public opinion polls consistently rank nurses as the most trusted profession — usually ranking...
SOMETHING FROM THE HEART You won’t receive any cards or cakes for National Caregiver Day. You won’t be handed a box of chocolates or a new diamond ring either. If you did, you would have made it or...
View ArticleThe 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work A Guest Post by Dr. Travis...
We’ve all heard of (or seen firsthand) people doing some pretty crazy things at work. Truth is, you don’t have to throw a chair through a window or quit in the middle of a presentation to cause...
View Article10 Phrases Successful People Avoid (But Losers Use) A Guest Post by Bernard Marr
Winning and losing are about your frame of mind more than anything else. You can be a successful go-getter working in a mail room just as easily as you can be a loser CEO. By cultivating a winner’s...
View ArticleHealthcare System Fail: Is This Why Nurses Are Overwhelmed? A Guest Post by...
One of my most memorable experiences was more than a decade ago while working for a Level One Trauma Center on the East coast. I was sitting in a hospital break room during one of my breaks as an...
View ArticleMissing Education Predisposing RNs to Burnout A Guest Post by Megan Dobbs, RN
Photo Credit: Nursing school teaches us basic skills and minimum critical thinking competency to pass a Board exam. It does not prepare a nurse for the emotional toll that comes from...
View ArticleThe Self-Leadership Golden Rule and Law A guest Post By Jon Mertz
Self-leadership receives decent attention, as it should. Leadership does begin from within and then is exemplified through collaborative relationships, interactions, and work. Faisal Hoque in a Fast...
View Article8 Things That Happened After I Meditated For 100 Days A Guest Post by Kyle V....
I am not a yogi, a life coach, or a yoga teacher. In fact, I am probably the furthest thing from what you would call a yogi. Like many, I struggled as a teenager and young adult. I failed my junior...
View Article9 Factors Which Create a Stress Free Workplace A Guest Post by Carthage Buckley
t is better for everyone if stress can be prevented rather than managed. While stress may begin as an individual experience, problems in the workplace can be a major source of stress. Stress can have...
View Article10 Strong Personal Leadership Decisions Women Must Make Everyday A Guest Post...
For women to be successful in leadership positions they have to be first successful in leading themselves. Interestingly this truth actually isn’t gender specific. It’s true of women and men alike....
View ArticleToxic Boss? How Successful People Overcome Them A Guest Post by Travis Bradberry
Bad bosses contaminate the workplace. Some do so obliviously, while others smugly manipulate their employees, using them as instruments of their own success. Regardless of their methods, bad bosses...
View ArticleBecome A Better Leader Tomorrow By Using These Tips Today A Guest Post by...
Natural leaders often want to provide various options to others. Everyone has something to offer in the leadership department, and you can figure yours out by throwing yourself out there. This...
View ArticleFor Hospitals, High Quality Care And Success Depend On The Happiness Of...
What would a hospital be without its nurses? Not only are they responsible for a patient’s medical wellbeing, they are also round-the-clock caregivers that attend to the mental and emotional health...
View ArticleAre You Being Aggressive? 12 signs of Aggression You Need to Recognize Guest...
Headline Change, concept of Change You probably think of aggression in its most violent form i.e. shouting matches and fights. Aggression actually refers to anytime that you try to get your own way...
View ArticleWe Need to Do a Better Job Caring for 40 Million Family Caregivers A Guest...
Crossing out Lies and writing Truth on a blackboard. Family caregivers are invisible. Those children, spouses, or other relatives who provide personal assistance to loved ones with physical or...
View ArticleGandhi’s 6 Rules of Leadership Needed Today A Guest Post by Cory Galbraith
He was a poor public speaker and changed his mind often. Mahatma Gandhi knew he wasn’t perfect. But he practiced a series of leadership principles which remain valid to this day. If you’re a team...
View Article9 Signs of Passive Behavior. Are You Being Too Selfless? A Guest Post by...
Passive behavior is where you sacrifice your own preferences and needs, so that you can help others to meet their preferences and needs. There will be times in your life when you need to be passive,...
View ArticleThe 10 Commandments of Communication to Build Trust A Guest Post by Randy Conley
the best vision is insight phrase on a vintage slate blackboard The way we communicate with others is a primary way we build trust. Along with specific behaviors and actions, communication serves as...
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